Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty — Digital Streaming
Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty is a 12-week multimedia Bible study on the attributes of God for churches, small groups, families, or individuals containing 12 sessions that are reinforced by a 12-week daily workbook.
FEATURING: Sinclair Ferguson, Joel Beeke, Anthony Mathenia, Conrad Mbewe, Jordan Thomas, Ian Hamilton, Geoff Thomas, Jeremy Walker, Garry Williams, and Andrew Davies.
Nothing provides the true follower of Christ with more profound and enduring satisfaction than turning from the limitations of self and this world to the unfathomable fullness of the living God. Nothing so directly affects the study of Scripture as one's understanding of what lies behind the little word "God." Nothing calls for such an entire consecration of the mind, heart, and will of the student as the study of this eternal Being, who is the cause and reason for all things. Nothing holds more practical value for the Christian than the realities of God's perfection.
For twelve weeks, Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty guides the reader through passages that reveal God's perfections: His incomprehensibility, self-existence, independence, transcendence, immutability, infinity and eternity, omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience, wisdom, sovereignty, righteousness, holiness, wrath, goodness, love, patience, and zeal. The aim of this study is to provide the student with a tool for vastly enlarging his or her understanding of God in a manner that enlightens the mind, captivates the heart, and redirects the will. God truly is "a sea without a shore, a sun without a sphere." Each of us stands before the boundless immensity of God's majesty. He commands us to know Him. He has provided all that we need to know Him through the redemptive labors of His Son, the illuminating work of the Spirit, and the Bible. A.W. Tozer wrote only the truth when he stated that God "can show a new aspect of His glory to us each day for all the days of eternity, and we have but begun to explore the depths of riches of His infinite being."
May God raise up a people who will say as David did so many years ago: When You said, "Seek My face;' my heart said to You, "Your face, O Lord, I shall seek."
(Psalm 27:8)
—Dr. John Snyder
Note: These videos have been lightly edited from their original format in order to remove the footage of a contributor whose life and teachings we can no longer condone. Visit Banner of Truth for a biblical response to the fall of Christian leaders.
Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty is comprised of two elements:
- 12 weekly video lessons: Each session has a 45-minute runtime.
- A 12 week Daily Devotional Workbook: This workbook includes 12 5-day weeks.
This product contains the weekly video lessons. To purchase the Daily Devotional Workbook, click here.
This Digital Course contains all historical introductions, sermons, and interviews for Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty in addition to a helpful Leader's Guide.
Upon placing your order, select "Create an account" to access the Leader's Guide and video sessions. Save your login information and return to our site to access your streaming at any time. It's really that simple.
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Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty is centered around a twelve-week workbook-style study and 13 video lectures. Each week the student will work through the workbook (five days per week) in preparation for watching the video. Behold Your God can be used as an individual, family, group, or church-wide study.
Each week’s video lesson is preceded by a brief 2-part historical profile of a notable man or woman of God such as John Knox, Hudson Taylor, Anne Judson, John Newton, Edward Payson, and John Bunyan. These introductions were filmed on location in England, Scotland, and New England at key historical sites associated with the lives of the men and women we are considering. The heart of each lesson is a 30-minute lesson on one aspect of God’s character by Dr. John Snyder. Following each teaching session is a collection of interviews with contemporary Christian leaders who explain how a biblical appreciation of God’s character has affected their own lives and ministries.
The workbook includes 12 5-day weeks with each week consisting of writings on God’s attributes, Scripture readings, and exercises to drive you back to Scripture and lead you to apply what you are learning to your life.
Introduction - Welcome to The Weight of Majesty
Week 1 – Knowing the God Who Is Incomprehensible
Week 2 – Knowing the God Who Cannot Change
Week 3 – Knowing the God Who Is Infinite & Eternal
Week 4 – Knowing the God Who Is Everywhere
Week 5 – Knowing the God Who Is Almighty
Week 6 – Knowing the God Who Knows All
Week 7 – Knowing the God Who Rules All
Week 8 – Knowing the God Who Is Holy
Week 9 – Knowing the God of Wrath
Week 10 – Knowing the God Who Is Good
Week 11 – Knowing the God of Love
Week 12 – Knowing the God Who Is Patient & Zealous
Dr. John Snyder lives in New Albany, Mississippi with his wife Misty. He is a father of four, grandfather of one, and founding pastor of Christ Church, New Albany. After completing his doctoral work in Puritan and eighteenth-century theology at The University of Wales: Trinity St. David, Dr. Snyder returned to the U.S. to plant Christ Church in 2000. He now continues to serve as a co-pastor at Christ Church, Director of Media Gratiae, and author of multiple books including the Behold Your God series.