Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty | Media Gratiae Online Course
This is a Media Gratiae Online course. Upon purchasing, you will have lifetime digital access to the entire Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty study.
Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty is a 12-week multimedia Bible study focusing on several attributes of God.
Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty, led by Dr. John Snyder, is a 12-week multimedia study that focuses on several attributes of God found in the Bible, helping the believer to apply the descriptions of God to all of life.
Behold Your God is centered around a twelve-week workbook-style study and 13 video lectures. Each week the student will work through the workbook (five days per week) in preparation for watching the video. Behold Your God can be used as an individual, family, group, or church-wide study.
Each week's video is made up of three sections beginning with a historical introduction. This introduction is a short biographical sketch of the life of a significant figure from Christian history whose ministry illustrates the truths that you have been studying that week. These were all filmed on location in England, Scotland, and North America.
Introduction - Welcome to The Weight of Majesty
Week 1 – Knowing the God Who Is Incomprehensible
Week 2 – Knowing the God Who Cannot Change
Week 3 – Knowing the God Who Is Infinite & Eternal
Week 4 – Knowing the God Who Is Everywhere
Week 5 – Knowing the God Who Is Almighty
Week 6 – Knowing the God Who Knows All
Week 7 – Knowing the God Who Rules All
Week 8 – Knowing the God Who Is Holy
Week 9 – Knowing the God of Wrath
Week 10 – Knowing the God Who Is Good
Week 11 – Knowing the God of Love
Week 12 – Knowing the God Who Is Patient & Zealous
Following each teaching session is a collection of interviews with contemporary Christian leaders who explain how a biblical appreciation of God’s character has affected their own lives and ministries. Among these men are:
• Sinclair Ferguson
• Steve Lawson
• Joel Beeke
• Anthony Mathenia
• Conrad Mbewe
• Jordan Thomas
• Ian Hamilton
• Geoff Thomas
• Jeremy Walker
• Garry Williams
• Andrew Davies
This study was originally formatted as a physical set of DVDs and workbooks. While we hope you appreciate the convenience of the online course, we understand that some people prefer physical copies of study materials. If you’d like to enjoy the course in that format, visit us here.
When the Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically study was released in 2013, we felt (as did many others) that the evangelical churches needed to face some hard questions. Many had carefully traced the symptoms of an internal decay within evangelicalism, a decay that was occurring even while outwardly there appeared to be continued successes. Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically was written with the desire to help stir God’s people by pointing them back to the fountainhead—God Himself. Precious time was being wasted as Western evangelicals attempted to fix the external problems. It was our belief that the surest hope of a cure was to deal with the root issue, and that root issue appeared to be an inadequate understanding of our own God.
The response to that study, by God’s grace, has been far greater than we could have imagined. During the last five years the emails, letters, and personal testimonies of those who have benefitted from the study have been gratefully received. It is always humbling to see God use our efforts as a part of something far greater than anything we could accomplish. Within these communications, there has been a recurrent question: where do I go to find more resources on the character of God? Thankfully, there are many fine treatments of God’s perfections. Often, however, they are either very large or very complex books. In response to this question, we have put together this new study dealing primarily with the attributes of God rather than ways the evangelical church often lives below His self-revelation. In a sense, The Weight of Majesty is a continuation of the theme we explored in week one of Rethinking God Biblically—that God Himself is the great attraction of the Christian life. By His help we hope to continue going deeper into the themes that were introduced in the original study through several forthcoming installments in the Behold Your God series.
Nothing is so satisfying for the true Christian as an ever-increasing and experiential knowledge of our God. This cannot be gained safely without diligently searching the Bible. Therefore, the real purpose of this book is to guide you back into those passages which contain some of the most significant descriptions of God. Avoid the temptation to merely get through the exercises without wrestling honestly with these matters. Sit long at the feet our Heavenly Father and ask Him to tell you about Himself. We know it is too easy to check a box, fill in the blank with the correct word, and move on unaffected. Don’t settle for undigested concepts or merely emotional responses to passages. Plead with God to help you adjust everything in life to fit what you are learning about Him. Bring both your mind and heart together, and bow before God in real worship as you study each day, until like Job you feel compelled to say, “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; but now my eye sees You!” You will not be disappointed with the Living God.
May this study be a lifelong friend as we labor to live unto God.
— Dr. John D. Snyder